Friday, July 5, 2013

Health and Fitness Friday!

Happy Friday!  My new favorite thing?  Four day weekends.  It is as if we are on a min-vacation; even if we are only at home.  Oh well.

This is a special edition of Health and Fitness Friday and is to serve as a reminder that even a 30 minute workout makes all the difference in the world.  It is also away for you to indulge and not feel overly guilty.

This was consumed yesterday...

It was AMAZING and totally worth it.  Clearly we all loved it.  A part of me felt as if we were part of a food challenge though.

This also meant that I started my day off today with an intense 45 minute workout.  I am pretty sure I burned off most of the ribs I ate yesterday (hopefully). 

Tonight, we're headed to dinner (again) with some friends to consume some more (let's face it) unhealthy food.  If you just spend 30-60 minutes, even three times a week, getting your heart rate up, you'll be good to go.

Cheers to a great weekend!

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